Bookfuntime is an online digital content library of ebooks provided by Vilida s.r.o, located in the Czech Republic.
Bookfuntime was created for those that cannot imagine life without books. They claim to have a large collection of fully licensed content that is legal for use. The books are in ePub format and can be read on any mobile device or tablet. The library available to customers includes a wide range of genres such as romance, science fiction, western, horror, anime, and any other genre or combination of genres you can think of.
Bookfuntime offers unlimited access to the expansive ebook library as a monthly subscription. Oftentimes, people that are new to Bookfuntime can get started with a free trial membership before deciding to pay each month. It is easy to create a new account simply by entering your full name, payment card information, billing address, and mobile phone number. New customers may notice a small charge on their selected payment method even during the free trial. This is used as a way to verify identity by the company and will automatically be released back to the bank within a few days. Once the free trial period is over, there is a $39.95 monthly subscription fee. This is charged on the first day after the free trial ends, and then on that same date each month.
If you have decided to cancel your Bookfuntime monthly subscription for any reason, we can help. We’ve included a step-by-step guide that will instruct you on how to contact the company and the information you’ll need when you do. Continue reading for more details.
Get together the following account information:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Billing Address
ZIP/Postal Code
Reason for Cancellation
Last 4 Digits of Card
Date of Last Charge
Amount of Last Charge
Phone (Live Agent)
Follow these steps:
Contact them by calling 1-646-328-5071
Inform them that you are contacting them to cancel
So that they can locate your account, provide the information they ask for
Ask for documentation that you contacted them
As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.