How to delete or cancel Arizona Republic

Arizona Republic is also known as

  • Arizona Republic
  • The Arizona Republic
  • AZ Central

About Arizona Republic

The Arizona Republic is the largest newspaper in Arizona. It is a daily newspaper. The newspaper was founded in 1890 by Dwight B. Heard. The newspaper was first known as The Arizona Republican. The company is currently owned by Gannett Company. The Publisher of the newspaper is Mi-Ai Parrish. The Editor is Nicole Carroll. The headquarters are located on Van Buren Street in Phoenix, Arizona. There are currently over 300,000 daily subscribers and 800,000 weekend-only subscribers. The newspaper is known for being conservative and endorsing several political figures, including George W. Bush, John McCain, and Hillary Clinton. The Arizona Republic covers stories about politics, entertainment, lifestyle, local news, national news, business news, sports, and much more. With a subscription, you will have unlimited access to news. The Arizona Republic apps allow for direct access to breaking news as it happens and allows you to stay up-to-date with what is going on. You will also have access to special events, deals, premium content, and more. You can also sign up for the newsletter, which will be breaking news, weather forecasts, recipes, and more that is directly sent to your inbox. The E-Edition of the newspaper is a replica of the paper version, but you can access it online. On the E-Edition, you can flip through the pages, scan the headlines, and read the stories from any device, any time. Unlimited Digital Access is available starting at $9.99 per month. You can get Sunday and Wednesday Print Delivery for 12.00 per month. It includes unlimited digital access. You can get Monday-Sunday Print Delivery for $23.99 per month. It includes unlimited digital access. To cancel the Arizona Republic, follow the cancellation instructions below.

Arizona Republic CANCEL GUIDES

Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country (if outside USA)
  • Phone Number on Account

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact them by calling 1-800-332-6733
  2. Inform them that you are contacting them to cancel
  3. So that they can locate your account, provide the information they ask for
  4. Be sure to ask for and document the date of your final charge
  5. Ask that you be refunded
  6. Ask for documentation that you contacted them
  7. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.


Follow these steps:

  1. Send out your email to [email protected]
  2. Type up an email requesting cancellation, for a confirmation number and final billing details

Web Chat

Follow these steps:

  1. Use your internet browser to visit
  2. Now put in your info where it asks for it
  3. Inform them that you are contacting them to cancel
  4. Ask for documentation that you contacted them
  5. Be sure to ask for and document the date of your final charge
  6. As usual, just in case, keep the proof that you’ve cancelled handy.

MORE ABOUT Arizona Republic

Address 1200 East Van Buren
Zip/Postal Code85004
Contact Information
Phone 1602-444-44444
Phone 21-800-331-9303
Phone 31-800-332-6733
Email 1[email protected]
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Known Arizona Republic charges

  • Arizona Republic
  • GAN*AZ REP SUB 602-444-8000 AZ